The cable is color-coded orange, hence the name “orange leg.” This results in a split-phase single-phase supply (L1 or L2 to neutral in the diagram below) as well as a three-phase supply (L1-L2-元 at right). Three-phase power is linked in a delta configuration, with one phase’s center point grounded.
It’s employed when a three phase transformer needs to supply both single and three-phase power (or transformer bank). The high-leg delta (also known as the wild-leg, stinger leg, bastard leg, high-leg, orange-leg, red-leg, and dog-leg delta) is a three-phase electrical service connection. This permits a single transformer to supply 120V single phase for single-phase loads and 240V three-phase for three-phase loads. The center of any one of the phases is center-tapped and grounded if the secondary of this transformer is delta. This transformation takes place within a transformer. It must be stepped down to 120V or 230V single phase to provide domestic and residential applications. High-voltage power is transferred over vast distances.